StudyAbroad.com is a study abroad program directory with study abroad information including summer study abroad programs, study abroad scholarship information, internship study .
Anthropology faculty take an active role in study abroad programs on campus. Current faculty have led both Winter Term and semester-length programs abroad in recent years.
A summer program, or a semester or a year abroad, is a great way for you to discover the methods and techniques anthropology
and archaeology use to collect and interpret data.
Study Abroad Anthropology. The list below represents TU programs and exchanges recommended by
anthropology study abroad programs
academic field of study. Please note that your selection of program is NOT .
A wide variety of opportunities for study at other universities and in special programs
The opportunity to participate in a study abroad program, for a few weeks or for an entire year, can be a life changing experience. A program devoted to Anthropology can be .
Many anthropology students elect to study abroad on experientially focused programs(e.g., SIT) rather than those involving enrollment in conventional semester courses on a .
However, the summer between Freshman and Sophomore year is good time to study abroad on a short-term program, especially for Anthropology majors.
The Anthropology department is especially partial to study abroad programs offering experiences outside the classroom such as internships, service-learning, or research .
The Department of Anthropology strongly encourages its students to participate in the UC Education Abroad Program (EAP). Anthropology is the study of humankind in the broadest .
Recommended Programs Anthropology Major. The programs listed below were chosen because they offer a diverse representation of issues in anthropology, unique cultural .
Anthropology Majors and Minors have studied abroad on these programs: Field-based learning with a topical focus . Study Projects conducted through their SIT Study Abroad programs .
With this emphasis on the comparative study of human societies, anthropology strongly encourages its students to participate in both formal study abroad programs as well as .
Washington College anthropology study abroad programs Anthropology, Study Abroad . Anthropology Program Study Abroad. Anthropology courses are available at WC Study Abroad programs at various universities .
Study Abroad. The Anthropology department at UNC currently offers two study abroad experiences: one in the Yucatan and the other in France. EXPEDITION YUCATAN
As an Anthropology
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